Applicant Information
Please fill out the general information required for the AEC Grant Proposal.
Please select which semester you plan to hold your project/activity.
Project Proposal
Please briefly describe the proposed project/activity clearly and specifcally. Include dates, locations, names, and what will be provided etc. Please indicate how many people you expect. Please limit to 500 words.
Please provide names and Hunter email address for all members or participants of this project/activity.
Please describe how this project/activity will benefit the Hunter College Community.
Budget Proposal
Please outline each item for which you are requesting funds. Please include the item, description and requested amount. Please note that the amounts sumbitted will not be summed by this form. Your total request MUST not exceed $3500.
Please include item, description and unit cost. Includes rental fees, space rentals, printing and promotions, contracts, custodial/security fees, technicians, etc.
Requested Amount
Please include item, description, unit cost and model number. Please note, equipment purchases must be relinquished to a Hunter college organization after use. Equipment must have a designated storage space.
Requested Amount
Please include item, description and unit cost. Personal Services include honoraria, speakers, performers, instructors, etc. Please note: funding for honoraria is limited to $500 per person.
Requested Amount
Please include item, description and unit cost.
Requested Amount
Please include item, description and unit cost. Includes trips (local travel, auto mileage), registration fees, bus rentals, etc.
Requested Amount
Total Budget Request - MUST BE LESS THAN $3500 *
Please add together all of your requested amounts to obtain the Total Budget Request.
Have you or will you request Presidential Student Engagement funds? *
Other Anticipated Funding Sources
What other funding sources are anticipated?
How much do you expect from these funding sources? *
If you do not expect any funds, please put down $0.00
Supplemental Materials (Optional)
Upload here any supplemental materials that you wish to send. Supplemental materials are not required for AEC grants.