By submitting this form, I agree to the following terms:
The IMA Listserv provides a place where subscribers can share news, solicit advice, and reply to questions about all the topics that relate to work, studies, and creative practice. Use it to exchange information, share ideas and skills, and publicize events, opportunities, and deadlines.
Subscription requests may be made by IMA students, alumni, and current and former faculty and staff. The IMA Director and the Film and Media Studies Department Chair, in consultation with the IMA Graduate Committee, will determine which requests to approve.
It is important that everyone follow the Listserv Guidelines below.
State concisely and clearly the specific topic in the subject line.
Include a signature block on all messages. Include your name, affiliation, and e-mail address.
If forwarding or replying to a message, include only the relevant portions of the original message.
Only send a message to the listserv when it contains information of general interest.
Do not reply to the entire listserv unless you want all recipients to receive your message. Remember: hitting ‘reply’ to a post will reply to the entire list, not the individual who sent the post.
Send messages such as “thanks for the information” or “I agree” to individuals rather than the entire list. Do this by using your e-mail’s forwarding option. We want to avoid flooding everyone's inbox with short comments.
If a discussion continues between a few people only, it may be necessary for the Program to ask those interested in the subject to continue it off-list.
Do not forward a personal email to the listserv without requesting permission from the originator of the email.
Do not post any information or other material protected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner.
Do not post any confidential or non-public information without the express consent of all parties who have a right to such confidentiality.
Personal or ad hominem attacks on or grievances against other list members as well as any material that is defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, illegal, or violates any third party’s rights are not allowed.
The Program does not undertake editorial control of postings. However, in the event of any inappropriate posting, the Program reserves the right to take appropriate action. The IMA Graduate Committee is charged with the enforcement of these Guidelines.
If the IMA Graduate Committee determines that a user has violated any portion of these Guidelines, or has otherwise demonstrated conduct inappropriate for the Listserv, the Program may (i) notify the user via e-mail that the user has violated these rules; (ii) delete any or all content posted by the user on the Listserv; (iii) terminate or suspend the user’s access to the Listserv, and/or (iv) take any other action that the Program deems to be appropriate.
The Program may modify these Listserv Guidelines at any time provided that it promptly shares the amended guidelines with all Listserv users.