Student Event Information Form

Student ActivitiesStudent Event Information Form

A Student Event Information Form (SEIF) may not be submitted prior to club registration. Clubs may submit a request for meetings or an open house upon the submission of a club registration form. This form is to be used for all virtual and in-person events, programs, workshops, etc.

On-campus events should be submitted 3 weeks in advance. Events that require contracts, solicitation of funds, film screenings, etc should be submitted at least 4 weeks in advance. Virtual events with films screenings and/or guest speakers should be submitted 2 weeks in advance.

Use the off-campus trips and off-campus events forms for off-campus trips and events.

The form must be completed by the recognized club/organization's president, treasurer or student government e-board member.

The Office of Student Activities(OSA) will not review or approve any events without all information and required documentation.

The individual submitting this form:

1- Takes full responsibility for the event and acknowledges that it has been authorized/ approved by the sponsoring group.

2- Indicates that all information provided is correct and all inclusive.

3- Indicates that copies of all contracts, agreements, flim clips etc. for this event have been attached to this form.

5- Acknowledges that the filing of false information will result in the immediate cancellation of the event.

6- Acknowledges that the club/organization may not proceed with the event until the OSA/Student Affairs representative approves the event.